Monday, October 6, 2008

Solar Power For Home - It's More Common Than You Think

Doesn't your electricity bill just drive you bonkers? What happened here? Electricity was never exactly inexpensive, but it's gotten to the point where it's as expensive as the rent or the mortgage, sometimes possibly even more.

There has never been a more perfect time to learn how to build solar power for your home. It's obvious that the standard costs of living are only going to go higher and who knows when this will slow down. So the future is now. We have to start thinking about all kinds of alternatives.

I can safely say that I had enough when I got an electricity bill which was 50% more than I had paid that same month on the previous year. That was just the final straw.

My goal was to find out how I can put solar power in my home.

At first, it looked like I was just never going to happen. I must have looked at every single free website I could find online.

Guess what it got me? Absolutely Nothing! It's not like there wasn't any kind of good information out there. But the problem was that I really didn't understand any of it. Have you ever walked in a conversation on a subject that you didn't have a clue what they were talking about? They minus well be speaking in Japanese.

So, I just got so fed up, that I finally bit the bullet and bought a manual on learning how to create solar power from your home.

The sales page said it provided clear and exact instructions on how to do it, so that any one could follow it. It also had a no questions asked money back refund, if it didn't work, so I figured I could take a chance.

I figured what's the worst that could happen? If it doesn't work, I get my money back, and I'll keep searching.

The site was called Earth 4 Energy.

I'm going to tell the truth. I had very low expectations. But you never know how good something is until you try it to see if it works or not.

I'm happy to say that it has probably been one of the best financial choices I have ever made.

I was really amazed with how in-depth, but even more importantly just how straightforward it all was.

The manual didn't go into a lot of technical mumbo jumbo to teach me how to build and install solar power in my house. It was all explained in layman's terms.

This is important, because I must admit that I am an idiot when it comes to building things or working with a lot of wires. I have a hard enough time installing my DVD Player.

But with the Earth 4 Energy manual, it was like there was somebody else in the room who was explaining all the details and how everything worked without confusing me.

The great thing is that now I have reduced nearly 70% of my electricity bill since I started doing this.

That equates to thousands of dollars every single year.

Now, I know, many people are hard headed (like I was) and want to do this all by themselves with the free resources that you can find online.

I wish you the best of luck. If you a real handy person, you might be able to do this. If you are a regular Joe which find all of this to be completely over your head, then Earth 4 Energy is just what you need.

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